Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'd Rather Be A Comma Than A Full Stop

Alright, I suppose it's time to quit my bitching and finish up the third part of that mission post...
Don't get me wrong, I've been trying but every time I go back and remember I just... I feel dirty. I know that it's my job and I know that it was either convert them or kill them - those were my orders....

I guess at the end of the day I'm just a 17-year-old whose in way over her head.

Happy late birthday to me...


  1. Ah suck it up! Come on now! I go unconscious and you go all "Soft" COME ON!

    1. Hey, you try being a teenage girl, see how "soft" you get...

      But it's almost finished, the post. Just needs some editing and formatting...

      And are you alright? I haven't really been keeping up with the blogs like I should.

    2. Yup, hurt the big man, got hurt back, but felt good, worth it, now my group is VERY high on the execution list, so I'm staying low right now.

    3. He was fucking reckless as FUCK. He rescued me from Morninsgtar but he is a FUCKER.

    4. Wow... Yeah staying low for, oh, the rest of your life might do it.

      Does this mean that there'll be more therapy sessions? I kinda miss those...

    5. Oh, and not only did he rescue me. Oh no. He WAITED until my life was indanger. Bollocks to my sanity and dignity.

    6. So he rescued you in true Kelevra style? Shit I'm so behind... Looks like I'm not sleeping much tonight, too much reading to do :P

    7. No fucking kidding. God, I SO want to punch him in the face.

      Next time I see him. That's happening. Once I stop hiding from him, I will punch Kelevra in the fucking face. And CRY.

    8. Well that sounds like a plan if I've ever heard one. Haha
