Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just For The Record, The Weather Today Is Slightly Sarcastic With A Good Chance Of...

After our skirmish with that super freaking annoying Rose Bride, Skye and I decided that we needed to spar some more and work on sensing an opponent's movements when you couldn't see them. So, of course my genius suggestion was...

"Blindfolds, really?" Skye asked dubiously over breakfast. He'd made waffles, I'd drowned mine in maple syrup and confectionery sugar. Alaska was looking pleadingly from myself to Skye and back for a bite. I patted her on the head and gave her the hand-signal for "lay down." She complied with a huge sigh.

"Look do you wanna get your ass kicked by a damn Rose Bride again?" I asked him, eyebrows raised.

"No I don't wanna get my ass kicked by you, I'm still sore from my last ass kicking..." he muttered.

"Well then you can kick my ass, or at least try to." I smirked at him as I took another bite of my waffle.

M, who was sitting on top of the China cabinet, made a comment about how he probably wanted to do more than kick my ass. I sighed and craned my neck back to look at her. "Shut up M, not everyone's as sex-driven as you."

"Um..." Skye looked at me blankly as I moved back into a normal sitting posture.

"You don't wanna know," I half-smiled.

In about an hour the both of us were standing in the back yard I held a black bandanna in my hands and was in the process of folding it in a way that it would cover my eyes and actually obscure my vision. For added vision-impairment I had forgone contacts. So everything more than ten feet away was kinda hazy.

"Okay I haven't actually done this before so just walk around me as quietly as you can and I'll reach out when I think you're within arms length?" I shrugged as I put on the blind fold and made sure it covered my whole field of vision. It did. It was unnerving.

"Of course you don't have a plan for this..." Skye muttered.

"You shut up!" I growled as I kicked out to the right. I connected with his leg.

I concentrated on sounds and after a while I could hear the grass rustle minutely when Skye moved. I stayed still, moving my head around like I still had no freaking clue what I was doing. He was behind me now. Five feet? Four?

I whipped around and pushed out with both of my arms at my shoulder level. They connected and I felt Skye start to pitch back before he grabbed my shoulders to steady himself.

"I thought I was being sneaky," he joked. I could feel the vibrations when he talked on my hands. I had connected with his upper torso. Not bad, considering I wasn't aiming and he was moving slowly.

"You were, I just have better hearing," I smirked before stepping back. I felt his hands slip from my shoulders and heard him move out of my range of hearing. I crossed my arms and waited until I could hear him moving or breathing. Minutes passed and I still heard nothing.

Just then the wind picked up, tossing my hair around. Then I felt a light punch connect with my right side. Surprised, I stumbled away and flailed my arms around to regain my balance. "Yes!" Skye exclaimed.

I growled and dove from the direction his voice was. I felt his hands press against my shoulders but that didn't stop me from sweeping out my right leg to kick the back of his knees. And just like that we were sparring. I would listen to his breathing and not how it changed when I hit him or when he would hit me. Skye was holding back of course, after all we weren't training strength. We traded light blows for a while.

Then suddenly my legs were knocked out from under me and Skye was pinning me down on the (slightly muddy) ground. I tried to get my hands free but he had managed to grip both of my wrists in one hand and used his other arm to press down on my shoulders. After I squirmed for a bit, trying to break his hold, I slumped in defeat. The arm holding my shoulder down lifted and then I was fucking blinded. Skye had pulled my blindfold down.

"You did better than I thought you would. You sure your balanced is really that screwed?" I squinted up at him, trying to block out as much of the light filtering down form the cloudy sky as I could.

"My balance is fucked five ways to Friday," I raised my eyebrows as my vision slowly adjusted. "You didn't have to go that easy on me you know," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, whose pinning whom?" he smirked down at me.

"Ten points for not ending a sentence with a preposition," I smirked back up at him.

"You know, you really don't have to cover up your scars around me." With that he heaved himself off of me and walked back to the house, leaving me lying on the ground, confused. Where the hell was the stuttering, blushing kid that I picked up from Annapolis two weeks ago? Because that was not that kid. (I'm not saying that the confidence isn't an improvement though.)

"He just said that without stuttering," I stated aloud, still on my back.

"Tori, you're blushing," M teased from my right.

"Shut up," I glared at her before picking myself off of the ground.

"Tori's got a-"

"You finish that sentence and I will send you straight back to hell," I growled.

"You let me make a post on your blog and I won't," M smiled mischievously.

"Yeah, whatever." I waved her off and trudged back towards the house intent on a hot shower and downing some ibuprofen partially because the ground is rocky as hell (quartz, it's fucking everywhere out here. There's a giant chunk in the backyard from where the pool got dug out.) and my lower back perpetually aches and it was starting to get on my nerves.


  1. Replies
    1. I've been following this blog for like two days, and I also called it. Outnumbered and overruled.

    2. Yeah, I called it as well. And forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but yeah, I'm pretty sure Skye wants to stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey.


    3. I encourage you to make the most of it. Kelevra says he'll kill anyone I fall in love with. So I don't get that opportunity.

      Unless I wanted that person dead. Saaay, are there any young male brooding proxies out there? Or is that just diabolical?

    4. It would likely count as the worst thing I ever did though.

    5. I hate all of you with an indescribable passion. And Chris don't be surprised if I show up, bitchslap you for that comment, steal any chocolate in your possession, and leave.
      And for the record: I don't see the appeal seeing as I was already carved up like a turkey. -shrug-

    6. Which is why you lurve Skye with an indescribable passion.

    7. I fail to follow your train of logic. Jesus H Christ we're friends! For fuck's sake people.... -.-

    8. Trust me, it could be so much worse. Two psychos have said they're going to screw my dead body. Three have said they want to eat it. (Actually, Fracture and Morningstar, having threatened me with necrophilia and cannibalism respectively, have implied they are indifferent as to whether I am alive or dead.)

      I may compile the links at some point. I keep very good track of who wants to do what with my dead body. When I die, I request that an orderly queue is formed.

    9. Consider it payback for your year long absence.


    10. So you get back at me by making sexual comments? Wooowwww.

    11. In all fairness, it could be worse. Have you seen the things Fracture says to me on Med's blog?

      And I didn't even have any absences. He was just being a CREEP. :(

    12. If you liked reading that, you'll love reading this. That thread is a classic.

    13. ...... I think I want to be cremated when I die o.o

    14. For the record, that was before the time when me and Minxie became friends.

    15. For the record, these days I find it hilarious. And it's vastly preferable to Fracture.

  2. Blindfolded, blindfolded, well sounds like a bloody good idea to me if Rose Brides can go poof at any minute. The fuckin show-offs.

    If you believe no sentence can end in a preposition, then I demand to know what drugs you are on!

    1. Technically I could do the same thing using the path but that takes a lot of time and effort to perfect. Then we'd just be poofing around each other in some convoluted dance of poofs.

      The lovely drugs of grammar! But usually I ignore the more nitpicky ruled of grammar because English is just one fucked language to begin with. -.-

    2. 'On' is a preposition, by the BY.

      (I always have to explain the joke; I just can't go WITHOUT.)

      Also, you are to never split the infinitive. :D

    3. Sanna you are making my inner Grammar Nazi rage. Haha.

    4. *takes out badge* I'm undercover Grammar MI6, reporting that a sentence can end in a preposition and still be grammatically correct. You are hereby under arrest.

    5. Damnit... Don't cuff me! *offers skittles*

    6. Bribe graciously accepted. You're free to go.

    7. WAAIT. As long as the Skittles aren't drugged.

      Made that mistake with Kelevra.

    8. They aren't drugged. That's a waste of skittles...

    9. Hey, I made up for that, didn't I?

  3. Blindfolded, seems like quite a trick, I know, I wouldn't be able to pull it off, since I can't really feel anything.

    Also somebody pick up that phone, cause I frikin called it!

    1. *picks up phone* Hello. So did everyone else.

    2. Hello you have called 1-800-suicide press 1 if you want to terminate by hanging, press 2 if you want to terminate by medicine, press 3 if you would like to speak to a loved one, press 4 to leave a last message, press 5 to drown yourself, press 6 to cut yourself, press 7 to fall from a height, press 8 if you want to fall asleep and never wake up, press 9 to consult with our operators, if you wish not to die, please hang up. Our operators are standing by...

    3. I wish to issue a complaint about the options available. I believe your advertisement song promised the options of electric shock, overdose, drowning, hanging and self infliction.

    4. To clarify, that was just a correction, not me shooting myself.

      Holy hell I loved that song when I was twelve, haven't listened to it in ages. Going to listen to it now. Beats Vikady's guitar playing any day.

    5. Heh, didn't know this song was that famous, found it today, been listening to it all day, I like the idea that somewhere out there, there is a hot line like that.

    6. Hello, you have called 1-800-suicide.

      Please wait while you are redirected you to a professional mental health clinic near you. Because fuck it, if you had a broken leg and called a lumberjack, he's gonna direct you to a fucking hospital. Yes, chopping off your leg would solve the problem as you would no longer have a broken leg, but it would be a waste of leg.

    7. *whacks the both of you* Children, you are guests on this blog. Behave yourselves.


    8. Oh yeah coming from the guy who made the sexual innuendo up near the top of the comments. Way to set an example.

    9. Coming from the guy who keeps whacking me? Come on, that's just violent. Me and Kelevra weren't hurting anyone, just doing our trademark wacky banter.

    10. I've only whacked you three times. And you brought the first two upon yourself because you lack discipline.


    11. True. I have never really had discipline before.

    12. I did, meh was too boring, we broke up.
